Harvest PRP System
Please note that this product line has been discontinued. please refer to our latest platelet-capture technology: KeyPRP
The Gold Standard in PRP Technology for over Two Decades
The Harvest Terumo SmartPrep Platelet Concentrate System was the first commercial, point-of-care system approved for the rapid preparation of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP). Since its release over 20 years ago, the system and components have been continuously re-engineered with technology that follows emerging science in the field. Excellence in technology and outcomes is why the SmartPrep Platelet Concentrate System is relied upon all over the world to produce highly concentrated Platelet-Rich Plasma with the optimal cellular composition.

Optimizing the Cellular Composition of PRP Solution

The Harvest PRP process disposable includes a proprietary, self-calibrating floating shelf for concentrating platelets and optimizing the cellular composition of the final PRP solution. The floating shelf used in the SmartPrep PRP processing disposable is specifically designed to increase platelet yield and selectively capture the mononuclear fraction of the WBC population.
The mononuclear WBC fraction contains the majority of peripheral stem cells, identified by the CD34+ marker. CD34+ cells aid in angiogenesis and tissue regeneration at the application site. The concentration of stem cells found in PRP prepared on the Harvest Terumo SmartPrep system is indicated by the presence of CD34+ cells ¹ ²
Key Components of Standard PRP Formulation* ³
*PRP final volume can be modified to increase or decrease platelet concentration.
Clear Formulation: PRP without RBCs and WBCs
With Harvest Terumo BCT's new Clear PRP accessory kit, physicians now have the option of easily removing red blood cells from their PRP sample, as guided by their clinical use.
The presence of red blood cells in a PRP solution may lead to inflammation and pain for the patient during and immediately following treatment. Clear PRP enables the efficient removal of 99% of red cell content from your PRP preparation in less than 5 minutes, while retaining over 85% of original platelets⁵. The result is highly concentrated PRP with 0.5% hematocrit.
How It Works
Combined with the Harvest PRP Procedure Pack, the SmartPrep system automates point-of-care processing of biologics by:
Producing concentrated autologous biologics in 14 minutes of total processing time
Reducing the number of steps compared to a manual method
Simplifying training among multiple users
PRP Procedure Packs

Clinical Data
Test tube systems, Lab centrifuges and many other commercially available “PRP” systems fail to achieve the threshold of platelet concentration and white blood cell composition required for optimal tissue regeneration.
Biologic Information
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is an autologous biologic derived from whole blood that is preferentially enriched for platelets. While platelets are the primary component of PRP, preparations may also contain other cellular components such as white blood cells (WBCs) and circulating progenitor cells. These components all play a biological role in the healing process and are provided at concentrated levels in PRP. Thus, PRP may help optimize the conditions for soft tissue and bone healing.
Tang Y, Yeaman M, Selsted M. Antimicrobial peptides from human platelets. InfectImmun. 2002;70(12):6524-6533.
Drago L, Bortolin M, Vassena C, et al. Antimicrobial activity of pure platelet-rich plasmaagainst microorganisms isolated from oral cavity. BMC Microbiol. 2013:13(47):1-5.
Kevy S, et al. Defining the composition and healing effect of platelet-rich plasma forregenerative medicine. Presented at: 2010 TERMIS Americas; 5 to 8 December 2010;Orlando, Florida.
Kusumanto, Y, et al, Platelets and Granulocytes, in Particular the Neutrophils, formImportant Compartments for Circulating Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor,Angiogenesis, 2003; 6:238-287.
Data on file.
The products listed above are reserved for use by licensed medical practitioners only and in approved geographical regions where marketing authorization has been provided by governing Health Authorities. Certain products may not be approved for sale in all countries.