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Circles powered by InCytes™
For use in partner clinics with our Biologics
Establishing evidence-based leadership with Circles

Circles, powered by InCytes™, combines a robust technology suite, turn-key clinical and business services, and a diverse international network to provide end-to-end support for a fraction of the cost, time, and burden of traditional clinical research. 


Circles help practitioners generate, benchmark, and distribute proprietary real-world evidence from their everyday clinical cases. 

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InCytes™ at a high level

The technology stack underlying Circles and Circle Academies is critical to providing a burden free, low-cost and engaging solution for practitioners, patients and industry alike.


In today’s dynamic and highly regulated healthcare environment, each component of the technology needs to be robust, regulatorily compliant, scalable, flexible, secure and well-documented. At the foundation of those components is inCytes™, a U.S. patent-pending clinical-decision and patient engagement support platform.

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InCytes™ Features

Community eCRF Library and Builder


Libraries, and a custom eCRF builder, of clinically efficient protocols that capture and integrate longitudinal real-world data.

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Benchmarc™ Patient Monitoring


Uses personalized communications, automated benchmarks, and transparent reporting to inspire patient compliance and engagement.

Collaborative Communities


Invite collaborators from around the organization, or around the world, to securely share, aggregate and correlate data against a shared clinical topic of interest.

Data Delegation and Clinical Efficiencies


Seamlessly assign and manage data entry responsibilities across patients, laboratories, CROs and other delegates, preserving practitioner’s time and interest.

Interactive Reporting


Immediately access, correlate or export your aggregated real-world data. Generate actionable real-world evidence leading to clinical decision making, publications, patient marketing and more.

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