KeyPRP System
From our Autologous Biologics Platform
Dose Matters
Designed by world leaders in Regenerative Medicine, KeyPRP is a proprietary platelet-capture technology system that allows the user to control and customize all variables related to platelet-rich plasma composition.
It features a patent-pending platelet collection surface that yields the highest increase over baseline, greatest volume reduction, lowest hematocrit, and highest platelet recovery.
Available in both dual-spin and single-spin procedure packs, users will be able to produce PRP in less than 7 minutes.

Optimizing the Cellular Composition of PRP Solution
The KeyPRP process disposable includes a proprietary platelet-collection surface for concentrating platelets and optimizing the cellular composition of the final PRP solution. Deliver platelet concentrations up to 25x baseline¹.
Its unique disposable and processing protocols also features a threaded "key", which allows the user to select specific cell fractions for transfer into the final product. Users are able to easily create both leukocyte-rich and leukocyte-poor platelet concentrates with high cell counts.
Key Components of Standard PRP Formulation* ³
*PRP final volume can be modified to increase or decrease platelet concentration.
Hematocrit Control: PRP without RBCs and WBCs
With KeyPRP, clinicians now have the option of easily reducing red and white blood cells from their PRP sample, guided by their clinical use.
KeyPRP's unique processing disposable enables the efficient removal of 99% of red and white cell content from your PRP preparation. The result is highly concentrated PRP with <0.5% hematocrit.
How It Works
The KeyPRP procedure pack automates point-of-care processing of biologics by:
Producing concentrated autologous biologics in less than 8 minutes of total processing time
Enabling the customization of final preparation
Simplifying training among multiple users
PRP Procedure Packs

Clinical Data
Test tube systems, Lab centrifuges and many other commercially available “PRP” systems fail to achieve the threshold of platelet concentration and white blood cell composition required for optimal tissue regeneration.
Biologic Information
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is an autologous biologic derived from whole blood that is preferentially enriched for platelets. While platelets are the primary component of PRP, preparations may also contain other cellular components such as white blood cells (WBCs) and circulating progenitor cells. These components all play a biological role in the healing process and are provided at concentrated levels in PRP. Thus, PRP may help optimize the conditions for soft tissue and bone healing.
From 80ml whole blood. Internal Data. Cervos Medical. 2023
Drago L, Bortolin M, Vassena C, et al. Antimicrobial activity of pure platelet-rich plasmaagainst microorganisms isolated from oral cavity. BMC Microbiol. 2013:13(47):1-5.
Biosciences Research Associates: Equivalence Testing: Ranfac Autologous Platelet Separator vs. Predicate Device. On file with Cervos.
The products listed above are reserved for use by licensed medical practitioners only and in approved geographical regions where marketing authorization has been provided by governing Health Authorities. Certain products may not be approved for sale in all countries.